It’s necessary at this point, given the fact that this Op has picked up steam, to address a few concerns that have been raised regarding Anonymous in relation to Facebook. There is much misinformation surrounding this entire ordeal, and it is here and now that the air is to be cleared.

1. Anonymous was never planning an Op that involved exploitation of the Facebook web site. It is hard to pinpoint exactly where this "Op" started, but the general consensus among prominent Anonymous members is that this was the work of a few publicity whores trying to create controversy. So let this be the final word, we did not try and fail (because trust me, if we tried we would not have failed), we did not plan to attack the site, and we do not plan to do so in the future.
2. Regarding the concerns that have surfaced, both in the comments here, and in the relevant twitter feeds, regarding the involvement of the Occupy movement with Facebook let me just say this:  there are many other more secure, higher exposing, and easier ways to promote the revolutions events and news.
  • Facebook has never been, and never will be the primary source of #OWS news. Twitter seems to have already been seated on that throne. 
  • It would seem the usage, and therefore promotion of a multi-billion dollar exploitative website is an extreme conflict of interest given the nature of, and roots of the Occupy revolution.  Not to mention Mr. Zuckerberg undoubtedly funnels large amounts of money into politics, thereby bottle necking the democratic procedure.
  • Using the services offered by Facebook as a means of promoting ideas, events, names, and any information regarding the Occupy movement puts all who are involved at extreme risk, as the information posted is inevitably handed over to the proper government authorities in order to update watch lists, and the like.
Apart from these concerns, please feel free to continue the discussions, as we are enthusiastic regarding the interest that has been taken, the momentum we are already gathering, and the possibility of sending a worldwide message to those promoting exploitation and privacy intrusion.

Freedom without fear, victory without violence – we are anonymous, and we never give up.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

FB Tango Down